Outdoor space

How to book

Campus Event Form: All events on campus are required to fill out this form.

Primary Spaces


The Courtyard is located in the centre of campus with access to the Arts, Science, Library and Administration buildings. The Courtyard includes both grassy and cemented areas. With the inclusion of the water feature (seasonal), this space is ideal for informal gatherings, lunches and receptions.

Commons Field

The Commons field is a large, open grass space. It is a perfect location for informal gatherings, a game of bocce ball and team-building events.

Arts & Sciences Courtyard

The Plaza is centrally located, providing high exposure for your event.  This contemporary space can be transformed to meet your various needs.

Parking Lot H

On-third of H lot (north side) is available for your next outdoor event providing a large open, flat space. This space offers approximately 120,000 square feet (300 x 400 sq ft or 349 stalls). Only available on weekends or between May and August.


Okanagan Outdoor Space Codes

Space Outlook Room Address
Adm Lower level grassy area near ADM026 UBCO-ADM R-RM ADM Amph (ADM lower level grassy area near ADM026)
Courtyard inner Centre Grassy Area UBCO-ADM R-RM ADM CTYRD-G (Courtyard inner Centre Grassy Area)
Courtyard cemented area surrounding pond UBCO-ADM R-RM ADM CTYRD-P (Courtyard Surrounding Pond)
ADM121 Sunroom Outdoor Patio UBCO-ADM R-RM ADM Patio (ADM121 Sunroom Outdoor Patio)
Walkway Lower side of Admin Building UBCO-ADM R-RM ADM WL (Walkway Lower side of Admin Building)
Walkway in front of ART building UBCO-ART R-RM ART W (Walkway in front of ART building)
Area outside Art & Sci II (seating, grassy, cement walkway area) UBCO-ASII R-RM ASII Courtyard (ASC Courtyard)
The Commons Field – North of Nechako UBCO-COMM R-RM The Commons Field
UBCO-EME R-RM EME Amphitheatre (EME Lower Level)
Walkway lower east side of building UBCO-EME R-RM EME Lower Walkway (Lower east side of building)
Walkway upper west side of building UBCO-EME R-RM EME Upper Walkway (Upper west side of building)
Walkway in front of Library (Tim Horton’s entrance) UBCO-LIB R-RM LIB Walkway (Front of LIB/Tim Hortons)
Walkway in front of Science UBCO-SCI R-RM SCI Walkway (Front of SCI building)
Walkway South side of Science building UBCO-SCI R-RM SCI Walkway South (South side of SCI)
Walkway East side of UNC – facing parking lot F UBCO-UNC R-RM UNC Walkway East (Along lot F)
Walkway South side of UNC along University Way pedestrian area UBCO-UNC R-RM UNC Walkway South ‎(Area along University Way)
1/3 of Parking lot H (North side) UBCO-LOTH R-RM UBCO Lot H (1/3 of lot H – North Side)

Did you book enough time? All space bookings that require Facilities, Food Services and Custodial Services must add a minimum of one hour to the front-end of your booking time and a minimum of one hour to the back-end of your booking time for set-up and take-down.