Special function space

How to book

Campus Event Form: All events on campus are required to fill out this form.

Ballroom, UNC 200

  • 3,000 square feet of multipurpose space and a small outdoor patio; an impressive setting for elegant social events, receptions and lectures
  • Outfitted with state-of-the-art technology; music licensing fees may apply


  • Banquet style event: 17 table rounds of eight people, to a capacity of 136
  • Theatre style event: capacity of 180-200


Included in standard configuration. To remove, complete an Archibus work request with Facilities Management at least 24 hours in advance.


Yamaha C5 6’7” Conservatory Collection Grand Piano available but must be requested in advance along with key pick-up. Email student.connect@ubc.ca three business days in advance of the event.

Room Outlook Room Address

Nechako Gathering, Room 221

  • Situated on the second floor of the Nechako Housing Commons, Nechako Gathering is a beautiful setting for any meeting, reception or banquet.
  • Bookable between May 1 and August 31 only. For details, visit Conference Services catering and event spaces.

University Theatre, ADM 026

The theatre is located on the lower side of the Campus Administration building, with direct outside access.

  • Ideal for classes, plenary sessions, and performances with seating for up to 200; featuring plush seats with flip-top desks.
  • Includes a full range of theatre lighting and sound options in a technical booth.

This space is moderated by the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies. For details about booking, visit FCCS Studios, Labs & Gallery.


Foyers are great locations for coffee breaks, poster sessions, casual gatherings and event registration. Some foyers are suitable for receptions and trade-shows.

Space Outlook Room Address Department/Unit
ADM Foyer UBCO-Administration R-RM ADM Foyer University Relations
Arts and Science Foyer UBCO-ASC R-RM ASC Foyer University Relations
Creative and Critical Studies Foyer Email: fccs.ubco@ubc.ca Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
EME Foyer and Mezzanine
Foyer is ‘0’ level below mezzanine; mezzanine is a space connecting the building’s north and south towers; must be booked together
University Relations
Science Foyer UBCO-SCI R-RM SCI Foyer University Relations


Tabling Spaces

The SUO manages bookings for the tabling spaces below. Clubs, course unions, and student associations must request these spaces through the SUO event booking process. Staff and Faculty can book using the Outlook Room Addresses.

Space Outlook Room Address Department/Unit
COM 100A
First level foyer as you enter building, 2 tables
UBCO-UR R-RM COM100A University Relations and SUO
UNC 100
Lower-level foyer, window side, 2 tables closest to doors
UBCO-UR R-RM UNC100 University Relations and SUO
UNC 100A
Lower-level foyer, window side, 2 tables closest to stairs
UBCO-UR R-RM UNC100A University Relations and SUO

Did you book enough time? All space bookings that require Facilities, Food Services and Custodial Services must add a minimum of one hour to the front-end of your booking time and a minimum of one hour to the back-end of your booking time for set-up and take-down.