University Relations Booking Protocol for Non-Academic Space
The following protocol applies to non-academic spaces administered by University Relations.
- For other non-academic spaces, please consult with the relevant administrator.
- Enrolment Services administers academic space bookings.
Space is open to all faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the public (with sponsorship from a university department). All interested parties must have a valid UBC email address to proceed with the booking.
How to Book
Interested parties should book the space through the Outlook Calendar system. University Relations spaces are self-serve, meaning Outlook will automatically process the request, or tentatively hold it in place, unless there is a booking conflict.
Input the following details in the event description:
- Full Name, Contact Number
- Name of Event, Number of Expected Attendees, and Duration of Event—any set up or tear down time must be included in the total booking time; you may not set up before the start of your booking and you must vacate the space at end of the booking time.
Requestor Responsibilities
- In case of a dispute or conflict over the booking, the parties involved are expected to negotiate and resolve the issue among themselves. University Relations Department will not mediate these conflicts.
- It is the responsibility of the booking requester to arrange all additional services or requirements for the space, including Facilities Management, IT, Security, etc.
- It’s the responsibility of the individual or group using the space to leave it in the condition it was found. Any damages or cleaning charges will be the responsibility of the person who booked the space.
- Please be courteous and respectful towards the bookings that are before and after you. It is best practice to connect with any adjacent bookings to coordinate directly.
- If your booking is for an event, you must fill out a Campus Event Form.
Changing or Cancelling Your Booking
- If you need to change your booking, use the Outlook Calendar ensuring there is no conflict.
- If you need to cancel your booking, please delete the event from the Outlook Calendar at the earliest possible opportunity. This will allow the space to become available for others.
- By making a booking, the interested party agrees to these terms and conditions.
- This protocol is subject to change at the discretion of University Relations.